We Care: Part 4, Impact

Impact: the force of impression of one thing on anothera significant or major effect

Often times we receive letters from the service members who receive our care packages, and they share the impact they have on the folks deployed far from home, especially those who have no home support system. Here are a few of those comments:

“Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing such a beautiful thing for me and my fellow co-workers. I hope you have a wonder day. “
 Megan Scales, Civilian Security Forces, Defenders of US Forces, Kuwait

“I know Airmen have received your care packages, and all I can say is our folks appreciate the packages and your team’s generosity. Being deployed over the holidays is never easy, but we are committed to the missions we were called to perform. Thanks again for everything and Merry Christmas! Our members are incredibly grateful, so am I!” –

Erin Chaney, CMSgt, USAF, Senior Enlisted Leader, Prince Sultan Air Base, Kingdom Saudi Arabia

“What your organization is doing is just outstanding. We have Marines all over the world, many in undisclosed locations who could really use a lift from home. Letting them know you care and are thinking about them goes such a long way.  I may not be at the liberty of mentioning exactly where they are, but I assure you they are battling, defending, and securing in extreme conditions. Thank you SHFM very much, Semper Fi!”

Lt. Col David Hunley, Director, Foodservice and Subsistence Program USMC

Check out this video from Airforce Senior Master Sergeant Willie Hart, a member of SHFM through the Fellow Program, recently deployed to Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia.  (Just returned home Oct. 2024)

And last but not least, most of you know that we have a very special relationship with Air Force Services in San Antonio, in four key areas; The Hennessy Traveler Program, The Foundation Fellowship Program, The We Care Program, and Industry Engagement. Please see Jim Krueger, Director Air Force Services, along with some of his staff. 



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