Young Professional Summit Panel of Rising Stars Spotlight

Rising Star Spotlight

Join SHFM Rising Stars at the Young Professional Summit for an engaging discussion on the importance of taking risks, embracing failures, and learning valuable lessons for future success. Through real-life examples, explore how calculated risks can drive innovation and growth.

Our moderator, Lauren Beckwith, posed the question to our Young Professionals before the summit, “When determining if a risk is worth taking, what is the second most important factor you consider and why?” Here’s how our Rising Stars answered:

Xiomara - "I consider how the risk will impact my quality of life. If the decision leaves no room for self-care, it's not worth pursuing."

Steve - "A deep understanding of the risk is crucial to assess its potential payoff. High control over the outcome usually leads to success, but when the risk is beyond your control, you're essentially at the mercy of external factors—I prefer to avoid such situations and steer clear of gambling."

Lauren: “Does this decision align with my core values? Because even if the results aren't what I hoped for, values-based decision making ensures I continue to grow in the areas that are most central to my identity.”

Learn more about our Rising Stars Young Professionals at the event! Engage with talented individuals who are shaping the future of the industry and hear firsthand how they navigate challenges and take calculated risks for success. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect and be inspired!




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