Letter from the President - February 2024

Hello SHFM Members,

I hope the New Year and Winter has been good to you – some good news for those ready for warmth, Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early Spring!

Since becoming your president nearly five months ago, I haven’t stopped strategizing, planning and working towards so many incredible events and initiatives that are about to be popping up over the next few months! Just three weeks ago, I was with the Conference Planning Committee meeting in Baltimore – and let me just say, we are ALL in for a wonderful, memorable, fun and historical conference. Amanda Beni, our fabulous CPC chair led the team comprised of multiple past presidents, those part of our organization for 15+ years, Young Professionals and new members (bridging the age gap)!!! The entire CPC completely showed up ready to rock and roll and create an incredible experience for all attendees – please be sure to mark your calendars for a very monumental and special National Conference, our 45thanniversary and 20th anniversary from being in Baltimore for the 25th anniversary. I look forward to breaking Past President, Ron Ehrhardt’s conference records.

I can’t believe in just two weeks we are officially kicking off our first WISE Experience!!! Women, Inspiration, Support, Excellence. Taking place on February 28th and 29th at in Los Angeles/El Segundo, California; this two-day experience is to focus on the incredible forces that rule the world – WOMEN! I invite you to join us on a journey focusing on our authentic selves, celebrating our accomplishments and challenging our futures. As of today, space is VERY limited, as we just broke 100 registrants! – So, do not wait to register and come join the beehive! The biggest heartfelt thank you to Stephanie Gilbert, Jeanine Cosgrove Albert, Bobbi Capps, Helene Kennan and the WISE planning committee – you all brought OUR vision to life – I can’t wait for us all to experience the fruits of our labor. Also, for those of you in Southern California, we will be having a TopGolf Local following the closing of our WISE experience, open to ALL members!

Another incredible group, very hard at work is our Critical Issues Planning Committee led by Ricky Post and co-chaired by Gina Brophy. With less than three months until the annual event, we assure you we will be presenting you with knowledge, insight and tools necessary for breaking into the future without loosing that human touch of hospitality! The Critical Issues Conference will take place at the beautiful Deutsche Bank in New York City. We are also excited to announce that the popular Young Professionals Summit (led by Natalia Lopresti) will take place the day before, inviting our Young Professionals to a day of giving back the morning of Critical Issues and then gaining insight from peers throughout the industry. Fun fact - back by popular demand, the YP’s will participate in our “Your Seat at Your Table”; an opportunity to connect with top executives in our industry.  Our annual, Young Professional Summit will be on April 30th, followed by Critical Issues on May 1st. Registration will be opening soon!

Your SHFM Board of Directors and committees have been busy working on various initiatives for 2024. With over 500 volunteers across all our committees, the ideas, strategy and execution of these ideas has been extremely commendable. Our Locals Committee, headed up by Amy Lewis is doing an exceptional job having local events pop up all over the country! Nashville, Philly, Northern and Southern California and Chicago just to name a few! Have a place of interest you think could or would gain great traction? – Let us know!!!

The Industry Advisory Board (IAB) has been busy focusing on creating a strategic plan, generating new ideas about our extremely popular philanthropic Hunger Games and looking to create some new events! While in Baltimore, we also held a full day meeting to work on the new strategic plan for the entire organization; with goals to ensure growth, insight, diversity, education and philanthropy – I look forward to sharing it all with you!

Speaking of philanthropy, I’d be remiss to not speak about our incredible Foundation Board. Led by Davin Wickstrom, the heart and soul of our organization lives here. Currently, they have launched the second round of the Fellowship Program and are in the process of launching a new scholarship program which will be named for an SHFM membership who has been instrumental in the college initiatives for the Foundation. More coming on that soon! Additionally, the Foundation continues to work diligently on their Chapter Program due in large part to the efforts of Amy Franks on the Foundation Board.

As you can see, so many of us have been busy continuing the wonderful efforts, events and initiatives that SHFM commits to by providing for their members. Thank you to everyone for your continued support for this truly special organization. I hope to see you at one or all of our many upcoming events!



Raquel Weiss Fusco
SHFM President

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