MBoone Umbima
Vice President, Brand Strategy
David Rio
Tell SHFM members a little about yourself:
My name is Mboone Umbima (pronounced Mm-bone-eh Oom-beem-uh). My main job is being the mother of a hilarious and rambunctious 4 year old, Trevor. During the day however, I am the VP of Brand Strategy at David Rio Coffee & Tea, and I absolutely love my work - It feels like a hobby. I have the freedom to cocreate with an amazing group of people who share the same values of integrity and commitment to meaningful work.
How do you try to make an impact?
My goal is to ensure that we touch, move and inspire all who come into contact with our brand. I am a story teller, a change maker and a ground shaker. I tell the stories of our journey as a brand and our mission of working towards a better planet. I push boundaries for change, as this is the only sure constant we can bank on. I shake the ground merely by showing up – I am fully aware of the energy I carry as a black woman of foreign heritage. Often, in my career and life, I carry many “firsts” and “onlys” when I walk into a room – only woman, only black, first black woman, first African woman - and the list goes on. Excellence is not a choice for me, it’s a requirement - for many eyes are watching – including my 4 year old son.
What does Black History Month mean to you?
To me, Black History Month is an opportunity for learning and stretching ourselves outside our comfort zones – for everything that we desire that is not currently present resides outside our comfort zone. In that space outside the comfort zone, fear subsides and the unattainable becomes attainable. When we learn about each other and can appreciate our unique experiences, we are presented with the chance to leverage the connection we all have as a society. We make available the opportunity to build stronger organizations with possibilities of sustainable innovation and abundance founded on diverse integrated thinking. At David Rio we have a saying, “Tuko Pamoja” - it’s a Swahili phrase which means “we are together” or “we are connected”. It transcends a mere agreement and implies shared purpose and understanding – This to me, is the goal of Black History Month. As a member of SHFM, I am grateful for the connection we have to the society - Tuko Pamoja.